Read on for news, events and opportunities from NCAPA and our partners.
News and Updates
NCAPA responds to attacks on communities of color: NCAPA and National Director Christopher Kang released a statement Wednesday that denounces anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim language and emphasizes that the nation’s strength comes from multiculturalism.
100 women complete 100-mile walk for immigration: We Belong Together’s 100 Miles 100 Women march to lift up the message of immigrant and migrant dignity ended in D.C. Tuesday to mark Pope Francis’ arrival. The women started their walk at the York County Detention Center in Pennsylvania and several NAPAWF members from across the country participated. Read their coverage in the Washington Post and feature in a blog by Deepa Iyer, SAALT’s former executive director. We Belong Together is a campaign by NAPAWF and the National Domestic Worker's Alliance.
Native Hawaiian convention highlights policy discussions: The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) convened for their 14th annual Native Hawaiian convention in Honolulu this week with nonprofit leaders, organizers and cultural practitioners. Chair Gregory Cendana, Co-Chair of the education and housing & economic justice committees Monica Thammarath and Policy & Membership Manager Kelly Honda presented on NCAPA’s policy blueprint. Other NCAPA member presenters were Sarah Nededog of Payu-ta and APIAVote’s Christine Chen. Look for highlights using #14ANHC.
President Obama appoints Jasjit Singh to advisory body: Congratulations to SALDEF Executive Director Jasjit Singh, who was appointed to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He will be the first Sikh to serve on the council. Learn more.
National Voter Registration Day celebrated with more than 2,000 community partnerships: Several NCAPA members, including APIAVote, APALA, CNHA and NAKASEC, held events and promoted National Voter Registration Day this week. Check out the NCAPA staff photo and continue encouraging others to register to vote.
Upcoming Deadlines
Kakehashi Project (Deadline: Sept. 30 for fall trips)
Daniel K. Inouye Fellow in D.C. (Deadline: Oct. 2)
Mike M. Masaoka Congressional Fellowship in D.C. (Two available. Deadline: Oct. 2)
OCA: Volunteer to increase tax returns for low-income families (Deadline: Oct. 1)
NCAPA Opportunities
APAICS Regional Leadership Academies:
New York (Tri-State Regional Academy. Oct. 2-3)
Chicago (Oct. 16-17)
APIAHF: Policy Analyst in Oakland, CA or Washington, D.C.
APIASF: Scholarship Opportunities
CAAM: Documentary Fund (Deadline: Oct. 16)
LEAP: 2015-16 Emerging Leaders Program (Deadline: Oct. 16)
NAPABA: Pro Bono General Counsel Program (New program to provide AAPI organizations pro bono legal advice and counsel that they cannot afford.)
Other Opportunities
City Health Works: Director of Financial Sustainability in New York
DC Mayor’s Office of API Affairs: Bilingual Program Coordinator
Cherry Blossom Giving Circle: Grants for AAPI DC nonprofits (Deadline: Oct. 16)
NCAPA Events
Saturday, Sept. 26: APIASF Jump Start College Tour at Rutgers University-Newark
Saturday, Sept. 26 - Sunday, Sept. 27:Center for APA Women National Leadership Summit and 20th Anniversary Reception in Redmond, Wash.
Monday, Sept 28: APAICS Golf Classic in Dumfries, Va.
Monday, Sept. 28 - Wednesday, Sept. 30:National CAPACD 15th Annual Convention in D.C.
Tuesday, Sept. 29 @ 3:30 p.m. ET: NAPAWF Webinar - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Wednesday, Sept. 30 @ 4:30 p.m.: National CAPACD-led rally to save Museum Square & Affordable Housing in D.C.
Wednesday, Sept. 30: Documentary & Panel Discussion of “Right of Passage” at the National Press Club. RSVP to [email protected]. (Co-hosted by JACL and the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation)
Thursday, Oct. 1: AAJC 19th Annual American Courage Awards in D.C.
Friday, Oct. 2 - Saturday, Oct. 3: APAICS Regional Leadership Academy in New York
Saturday, Oct. 3: SAALT’s Be the Change Annual Day of Service. Nationwide.
Tuesday, Oct. 6: NAPAWF Webinar - AAPI Feminism, Voice, & Empowerment
Wednesday, Oct. 7: A Nation of Immigrants - SEARAC Immigration & Nationality Act Anniversary Panel (Co-hosted by NCAPA, APALA, NAKASEC, NAPABA, OCA and NQAPIA)
Friday, Oct. 16 - Saturday, Oct. 17: APAICS Regional Leadership Academy in Chicago
Monday, Oct. 26: SEARAC Webinar on Deportation Guide for Southeast Asian Americans
Thursday, Oct. 29:APIASF Scholarship Benefit in NYC
Wednesday, Nov. 4 - Sunday, Nov. 8:2015 NAPABA Annual Convention in New Orleans.
Friday, Nov. 6:NCAPIP student conference in San Francisco
Other Community Events
Tuesday, Sept. 29: #PinkOutDay to Stand with Planned Parenthood
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