NCAPA Weekly Roundup | Jan. 22 - 29, 2016

The latest NCAPA and AAPI news.

News and Updates

NCAPA, APIAHF and other anchor institutions praise Kellogg Foundation Racial Equity Commission: The WKKF Kellogg Foundation launched the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation commission to collaborate together on issues of racial justice. NCAPA and APIAHF are two of the 12 anchor institutions that partner around racial equity and healing.

NCAPA provides comments to Department of Education: NCAPA, SEARAC and OCA submitted comments to the Dept. of Education to help AANHPI students. NCAPA’s comments highlighted the need for continuing to make technical assistance available to state and local educational agencies that collect disaggregated AANHPI data. In SEARAC’s comments, they pushed for detailed regulations to address gaps in resources and effective teaching, and in OCA’s comments, they advocated for protections against bullying and aid for English language learners.

APIAVote trains AAPIs for Iowa caucuses: With the high growth of the AANHPI population in Iowa, APIAVote’s partners organized the first AAPI caucus training to educate the community on the Democratic and Republican caucuses, as well as give them the opportunity to simulate the process.

NCAPA stands against anti-Muslim hate, xenophobia and bigotry: NCAPA organizations united against anti-Muslim hate and have released statements in solidarity.Read them all here. If your organization has not already, please show your support and send your statements to us.


NCAPA in the News

AAPIs in the Oscar diversity conversation: In an interview with KQED Radio and the Los Angeles Times, CAAM Executive Director Stephen Gong addressed the state of diversity in the Oscars, noting the underrepresentation of AANHPI nominees in acting categories. Gong also pointed out that there are two Asian American Oscar nominees for animated features: Ronnie del Carmen, nominated for Best Original Screenplay for Inside Out and Sanjay Patel, nominated for Best Animated Short for Sanjay’s Super Team.

Asian American leaders respond to SCOTUS hearing immigration case: NBC Asian America highlighted NCAPA's and AAJC's statements in their piece following the Supreme Court’s announcement that it would hear the case that halted the President’s immigration executive actions. DAPA and expanded DACA, programs under the actions, would affect about half a million Asian Americans.


Take Action!


#AAPI4SentencingReform: Join us, SEARAC and APALA in urging the Senate to support the Sentencing Reform and and Corrections Act at follow the conversation on Twitter with #SentencingReform and #AAPI4SentencingReform.

OCA questionnaire on undocumented student access to higher education: OCA is gathering stories from undocumented students regarding obstacles they faced in accessing higher education. The stories will be used for Hill visits to push priorities in the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act as well as in a social media campaign. Please share the questionnaire:

Survey on AAPIs with disabilities: Alice Wong of the Disability Visibility Project is giving a talk at a law symposium about AAPIs with disabilities, and is collecting stories for her presentation. Please share the following survey widely:

Last chance to #GetCovered: Spread the word about the last day to enroll in health coverage, this Sunday, Jan. 31. Language assistance is available at

Ongoing campaigns:

APIASF - “We Are Not The Same” or #NotTheSame celebrates the unique stories of AAPI students and challenges stereotypes.

NAKASEC - Adoptee Defense Fund: Sign a petition to support Korean adoptee Adam Crasper who now faces deportation.

NCAPA - Support as an individual or organization an independent investigation on potential profiling of Asian American scientists:

NCAPIP - Screen at 23 focuses on the importance of screening for diabetes in the Asian American community, as our communities are at risk for type 2 diabetes at the body mass index of 23.

Find Your Park - Share your National Park Story:


In Case You Missed It

AAPI Data highlights growth in Asian American voters: With Monday’s Iowa caucus, AAPI Data released a chart that shows the growth of Asian American and Latino voters, showing that voters from the two groups could make a significant difference.

Researchers confirm stereotypes among minority groups: A Baylor University study revealed that white student respondents viewed Asian American students as “cold but competent,” and think that Latino and African Americans need to work harder. Asian American students are the least segregated in schools, while Latinos in the West are most segregated, according to the Civil Rights Project.

 Doua Thor reflects on her refugee story and service to the community: Now the executive director of the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders, former executive director of SEARAC and NCAPA leader Doua Thor was featured in an NBC Asian America profile about how her personal background influences her commitment to serve the community.


Other Announcements


Free tax assistance from OCA & AARP: OCA is working with AARP Foundation to offer low and moderate income taxpayers in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community free, individualized and no-strings-attached tax assistance and preparation services through their volunteer run Tax-Aide program. To find a location visit or call OCA at 202-223-5500 x118.



SABA North America Foundation Grant Applications (Deadline: March 1): SABA North America is committed to increasing the capacity of community-based organizations to respond to the legal needs and uphold the civil rights and liberties of the South Asian community and marginalized communities across North America. To foster this work, the SABA North America Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, awards grants of up to $5,000 in the following areas:

  • Domestic Violence

  • Immigration Rights

  • Hate Crimes, Discrimination and Racial Profiling

  • Community Access to Justice

AT&T Aspire Accelerator Grant: The Aspire Accelerator is open to any venture, organization or company that is using technology to foster student success, and selected organizations will receive a $100,000 investment and an additional $25,000 to cover program expenses.

Appointments Project: The White House Presidential Personnel Office (responsible for presidential appointments)  is continuing to develop slates for principal, assistant to principal and functional positions. NCAPA and APAICS continue to work with PPO in diversity outreach and are seeking individuals who are interested in an appointment positions for various levels, roles and background experience for agencies (e.g. speech writers, digital background, policy, etc.). Please help us to identify ideal appointment candidates who are AAPI. Once candidates complete the online application at, they should fill out this form, which will go to NCAPA and APAICS:

NAPABA Pro Bono General Counsel Program: This program provides AAPI organizations pro bono legal advice and counsel that they cannot afford. Get the application for organization and application for attorneys.


NCAPA Events

  • Friday, Jan. 29 @ 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.: AAJC’s “Stand Up For What Is Right” Reception for Fred Korematsu Day in Tyson’s Corner, VA
  • (Rescheduled) Monday, Feb. 1 @ 11:30 a.m.: NAKASEC’s Launch of Korean Naturalization and Voting Materials as Part of Community Listening Sessions Campaign in Annandale, V
  • Sat, Feb. 20: APIASF Jump Start College Tour in Las Vegas
  • Saturday, Feb. 26 - Tuesday, March 1: JACL/OCA Leadership Summit
  • Thursday, March 10 - Sunday, March 20: CAAMFest 2016 in San Francisco. Save the Date.
  • Other Events
  • Wednesday, Feb. 10: D.C. Mayor’s Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs Lunar New Year Social


Job and Internship Openings

AAJC: Summer 2016 Law Clerks (Deadline: Jan. 30)


Summer 2015 Internship (Deadline: TODAY, Jan. 29)

Fellowship Program (Deadline: April 29)

APIAHF (Oakland):

Finance & Administrative Systems Associate

Accounting Manager

Accounting Specialist

APIAVote: Summer Internship Program in D.C. (Deadline: March

CNHA: Community Development Specialist Trainer in Kapolei, HI

HND/HAP: Policy Director in St. Paul, MN


Economic Justice Program Coordinator in D.C.

Reproductive Justice Program Director in D.C.

Field Organizer in Atlanta

OCA : Summer Internship

SAALT: Community Partnerships Coordinator in Takoma Park, MD or New York, NY

SALDEF: SikhLEAD Congressional Internship Program (Deadline: Jan. 31)


Higher Education Policy Advocate in D.C.

Boys & Men of Color Coordinator in Sacramento


External job (including Hill) opportunities:


Scholarship/Training Opportunities

APIASF: Volunteer to be Scholarship Program Reader

JACL: Teacher Training Workshops for Summer 2016

SEARAC: Leadership and Advocacy Training (LAT)

SEARAC: Leadership, Empowerment, and Advocacy Fellowship (LEAF)

FAPAC: Distinguished Public Service Scholarship (Deadline: Feb. 29)

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