From "anchor babies" to college story collection, read on about the happenings this week with NCAPA.
NCAPA Member News
NCAPA responds to derogatory “anchor babies” rhetoric: Our groups this week pushed back against derogatory rhetoric referring to the use of the “anchor babies” term. Read the NCAPA response. NCAPA’s response, as well as statements from other AAPI advocacy organizations and leaders, were covered by several outlets, including Reuters,ABC, NBC,MSNBC, New York Mag and The Guardian and more. Members issued the below responses:
Story collection on college affordability: NCAPA and our education committee are looking for students and recent graduates to submit their college stories regarding affordability and barriers to enrollment. Their responses will be used to help students in similar situations. Please encourage them to share their stories and send this link:
NCAPA member organization staff transitions: Join us in welcoming Justin Trinidad, OCA’s new civil rights fellow. Trinidad is a recent graduate of the University of Virginia and a former WHIAAPI intern.
JACL Norman Y. Mineta Fellow Korinne Sugasawara and NAPAWF Reproductive Justice Fellow Jen Chou had their last days within the last week. We thank them for all of their work with NCAPA.
AAPI mental health webinar: Last week, the NCAPA health committee and Asian American Psychological Association’s Dr. Kevin Nadal hosted a webinar on AAPIs and mental health. If you missed it, you can watch the recording on YouTube and download the slides on the NCAPA website.
APALA elects first undocumented person ever to national executive board: Yves Gomes was elected to APALA’s national executive board, becoming the first undocumented and youngest person ever to serve on the group’s national board. Read their press release.
Sign-on letters
SAALT & NAPAWF: Amicus brief sign-on for Purvi Patel. (Deadline: Aug 28)
Lifeline Broad Base Sign On Letter (Deadline: Sept. 28)
NCAPA Opportunities
AAJC: Communications Internship in D.C. (Fall 2015)
APAICS: Regional Leadership Academy in Chicago (Oct. 16-17)
APIASF: AANAPISI Scholarship Program
Memories to Light Intern in San Francisco
Festival Intern in San Francisco
JACL: Mike M. Masaoka Congressional Fellowship (2 positions open. Deadline Sunday, Aug. 30)
NAPABA: McGuireWoods/NLF Undergraduate Internship Program
NAPAWF: Administrative Assistant in Brooklyn, N.Y.
OCA: Volunteer to increase tax returns for low-income families
Leadership, Empowering and Advocacy Fellowship (LEAF) (Deadline: Extended to Sunday, Aug. 30)
Other Opportunities
DC Mayor’s Office on API Affairs: Fall Internship Program
NCAPA Events
Tuesday, Sept. 1 @ 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. ET: NCAPA General Meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 2 @ 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. ET: APIAVote National Voter Registration Day Webinar
Monday, Sept. 14 - Wednesday, Sept. 16: APIAHF VOICES Conference in D.C.
Tuesday, Sept. 15: APIAVote Taste of Democracy Reception in NYC
Thursday, Sept. 17 - Sunday, Sept. 20: CAAMFest San Jose
Tuesday, Sept. 22 - Thursday, Sept. 24: CNHA Native Hawaiian Convention in Honolulu
Saturday, Sept. 26 - Sunday, Sept. 27:Center for APA Women National Leadership Summit and 20th Anniversary Reception in Redmond, Wash.
Monday, Sept 28: APAICS Golf Classic in Dumfries, Va.
Monday, Sept. 28 - Wednesday, Sept. 30:National CAPACD 15th Annual Convention in D.C.
Thursday, Oct. 1: AAJC 19th Annual American Courage Awards in D.C.
Saturday, Oct. 3: SAALT’s Be the Change Annual Day of Service. Nationwide.
Wednesday, Nov. 4 - Sunday, Nov. 8:2015 NAPABA Annual Convention in New Orleans. Early bird registration closes Aug. 28.
Friday, Nov. 6: NCAPIP student conference in San Francisco
Other Community Events
Friday, Aug. 28 - Sunday, Aug 30: Queering Immigration Conference in NYC
Saturday, Sept. 12 @ 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.:AAPI Action Forum with DC Mayor’s Office on API Affairs
Tuesday, Sept. 22: National Voter Registration Day (Sign up to partner by Sept. 1)
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