Read on for the latest AAPI news.
NCAPA releases 2016 AANHPI Policy Platform: Every four years, NCAPA releases a policy platform to highlight issues and policy recommendations for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Download the 2016 AANHPI Policy Platform here and learn more in a media teleconference this Thursday.
NCAPA and its groups outraged at racist Fox News segment: Last week, NCAPA and several members, including OCA, APIA Vote, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA), and the Asian Americans Advancing Justice coalition (AAJC is an NCAPA member), denounced an O’Reilly Factor segment filled with racist stereotypes about Asian Americans. Yesterday, the Asian American Journalists Association announced they will meet with O’Reilly Factor’s executive producer to discuss this issue.
SAALT releases South Asian voting guide, “Your Voice, Your Vote:” South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) has a new voter guide that outlines priority issues for the South Asian American community.
“Elevate AAPI” event brings attention to data’s importance: The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) and AAPI Data held the “Elevate: AAPI Data Challenge and Convening” Friday, where projects were selected to highlight little-known AAPI data. The event included many NCAPA groups and how advocacy work directly connects to the importance of data collection to show the issues our communities face. Watch portions of the event on WHIAAPI’s Facebook page.
APALA commends newly-released Dept. of Labor report on AAPI workers: The U.S. Department of Labor recently released a report that disaggregates data for AAPIs by ethnic group on labor characteristics. APALA commended this report, which found that Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders experienced the highest rates of poverty, which would have been overlooked if grouped into one AAPI category.
AAJC celebrated 25th anniversary in American Courage Awards: Advancing Justice | AAJC held its annual American Courage Awards ceremony Thursday, also marking the 25th anniversary of the organization. Among its honorees included Khzir Khan, recognizing the Khan family’s sacrifice for our nation and their courage to push back against anti-Muslim rhetoric, and Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, who heads the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
NCAPA applauds first Asian American to moderate general election debate: Last week, Filipino American Elaine Quijano moderated the vice presidential debate between Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence. We praised this milestone to add more media representation.
NCAPA in the News
NCAPA National Director Christopher Kang was interviewed on CCTV America in response to the Fox News segment on The O’Reilly Factor. His comments also were included in NBC Asian America’s report. CCTV America’s The Heat held a panel discussion that included APIAVote’s Christine Chen.
The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum’s (APIAHF) Kathy Ko Chin published an editorial in NBC Asian America about the need to mobilize for disaggregated data. One way to do this is highlighted in the “Take Action” section below by adding your comments to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) about why you think disaggregated data is important. featured the Sikh American Legal Defense & Education Fund’s (SALDEF) recent meeting with CBS Entertainment President Glenn Geller to continue their mutual interest to advance diversity in broadcast television.
Take Action!
From Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC): Minnesotans: Take action to stop Ched Nin's deportation
Volunteer for the Asian American Exit Poll and Poll and Polling Monitoring Project. Sign up here with AALDEF.
Register to vote and encourage others to register at
In Case You Missed It
FiveThirtyEight showed the significant results from the latest National Asian American Survey released last week that shows Asian American registered voters are increasingly identifying as Democrats.
Congresswoman Grace Meng (D-NY) wrote a Huffington Post piece on the Asian American experience, in which she calls for better representation and depictions of Asian Americans in media and politics.
NBC Asian America’s “Take Back” series this week features Nicole Ponseca, CEO and owner of New York Filipino restaurants Maharlika and Jeepney. Ponseca talked about her goal to bring Filipino food and pride about Filipino food to the mainstream.
Thursday, Oct. 13 @ 12:00 p.m. ET / 9:00 a.m. PT: Media Teleconference on NCAPA’s 2016 AANHPI Policy Platform
Saturday, Oct. 15 @ 6:00 p.m.: CAPAL Ball - Celebrate Community. Prequel - DC.
Sunday, Oct. 16 @ 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.: #IAmAsianAmerican Free Concert & Night Market - 4 Cities, 4 Concerts, Same Day. DC area: Eden Center; Los Angeles: The Wiltern Theater & Radio Korea Plaza; New York: Long Island City Landing; Chicago: Buttercup Park
Monday, Oct. 17 @ 3:00 p.m. ET: NCAPA Education Committee Every Student Succeeds Act School Finance Webinar
Tuesday, Oct. 18 @ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.: NQAPIA LGBT Asian American/South Asian Professionals Networking Reception in Corporate, Finance and Law. New York.
Wednesday, Oct. 19 @ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.: APAICS Fundraiser. Mission Dupont.
Friday, Oct. 21 @ 2:00 p.m. ET: NAPAWF's 100 Day Presidential Agenda Webinar
Tuesday, Oct. 25 @ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.: NQAPIA LGBT Asian American/South Asian Professionals Networking Reception in Corporate, Finance and Law. DC.
Thursday, Oct. 27 @ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.: NQAPIA LGBT Asian American/South Asian Professionals Networking Reception in Corporate, Finance and Law. San Francisco.
Thursday, Nov. 3 - Saturday, Nov. 6: NAPABA Convention in San Diego
Friday, Nov. 4: NAPABA Pre-Law Conference in San Diego
Friday, Nov. 4: OCA LeadHERShip Regional Summit. DC. Co-hosted by Center for Asian Pacific American Women. Apply by Oct. 21.
Job and Internship Openings
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