The latest AAPI news.
NCAPA denounces Trump surrogate’s comments citing Japanese American internment as “precedent” for Muslim registry: Last week, Trump surrogate Carl Higbie claimed that the incarceration of Japanese Americans is a “precedent” for a proposed Muslim registry. We responded, along with several NCAPA members, including the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), OCA, South Asian Bar Association of North America, and Advancing Justice | AAJC.
Opposition to announcement of Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be Attorney General: NCAPA National Director Chris Kang wrote in Huffington Post that the debate over Sessions’ nomination is just beginning, and Advancing Justice | AAJC issued a statement of opposition.
NCAPA members condemn choice of Steve Bannon as senior advisor: The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights led a coalition letter condemning President-elect’s choice of Steve Bannon as his chief strategist. NCAPA and members APIAHF, AAJC, APALA, NAPABA, NAPAFASA, National CAPACD, SALDEF, SABA-North America and SEARAC signed on. Asian Americans Advancing Justice, a national affiliation that includes NCAPA member Advancing Justice | AAJC, condemned the potential appointment in a statement.
Advancing Justice | AAJC fights to save federal ban on disparaging trademarks: AAJC and 11 Asian American organizations, including NCAPA and members APALA, LANA, OCA and SEARAC, filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court to warn about the dangers of opening the federal trademark program to racial slurs.
Coalition of affinity bar associations joins AAPI community in expressing disappointment in Fox News segment: NCAPA member NAPABA and the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA), the National Bar Association (NBA), the National LGBT Bar Association (National LGBT Bar), and the National Native American Bar Association (NNABA) expressed indignation in the segment, “Watters’ World: Chinatown Edition” and dismissal of community concerns over the offensive nature of the segment. Last month, AAPI leaders met with Fox News executives regarding this segment.
New FBI report reveals increase in anti-Muslim violence: South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) expressed concern with a new FBI report that found a 67 percent increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes across the country in 2015.
Nearly 200 groups sign letter to rescind NSEERS framework: The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) led a coalition letter to the President urging the administration to rescind regularly framework behind the National Security Exit-Entry Registration System (NSEERS), which has damaged communities. NSEERS targeted foreign nationals from 25 countries, mostly consisting of males from Muslim-majority countries. NCAPA and 16 members signed on: APIAHF, AAPA, AAJC, APALA, AAPCHO, Center for APA Women, LANA, NAAPIMHA, NAPAFASA, CAPACD, NAKASEC, NQAPIA, OCA, SAALT, SABA and SEARAC.
SAALT terminates relationship with Southwest: SAALT cut ties with Southwest Airlines due to lack of action addressing concerns of racial profiling of Muslim, Arab and South Asian passengers.
Transgender Day of Remembrance: Nov. 20 marked the Transgender Day of Remembrance, remembering transgender people who were killed because of their transgender identity. NCAPA members the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) and National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) honored those lost to hate.
CAAM-funded movie available for livestream: Through Dec. 12, watch a Center for Asian American Media film for free on World Channel: Tashi’s Turbine. The film is about a small village in Nepal and their attempt to harness renewable energy.
Post-election statements: The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) released their statement yesterday about their plans to help the community. More post-election statements from NCAPA members may be read here.NCAPA in the News
How will President-elect Trump’s plan for his first 100 days affect Asian Americans on issues of immigration, health and more? NCAPA National Director Chris Kang is quoted here about possible implications for our community. (Chris Fuchs, NBC Asian America)
Carl Higbie’s comments citing internment as a “precedent” for a Muslim registry were highly criticized by NCAPA, JACL, Rep. Judy Chu, Rep. Mark Takano and more. (Traci G. Lee, NBC Asian America)
The state of New York has relatively strong protections surrounding abortions and reproductive health, but challenges lie ahead for access under the President-elect. NAPAWF’s Miriam Yeung is quoted as a source. (Emma Whitford, Gothamist.)
Take Action!
Join Wish for the Holidays to collect letters expressing children’s wishes of love and unity with immigrant and Muslim families. (We Belong Together)
Share: Know your rights if you are stopped by immigration or the police. (National Immigration Law Center)
Contribute to the tracking of hate crimes and view their databases:
South Asian Americans Leading Together. Also use the hashtag #TrackHate.
From National Queer Asian Pacific American Alliance: Sign the petition to #StopProfilingUs:
From National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum: Sign this petition to demand our leaders to strongly denounce the recent violence against POC, women, & LGBTQ folks:
From Jezebel: A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support
Read an open letter to Our Nation from 100 women of color leaders and take the pledge.
In Case You Missed It
The holidays can bring challenging discussions around racial justice, and resources are available here for having constructive conversations around race with your family this Thanksgiving.
The Facing Race conference is now available for livestream. The conference brought together organizers, artists, advocates and journalists for discussions on racial justice and movement building. (ColorLines)
George Takei wrote about his family’s experience during internment to illustrate why vilification of a certain group should never happen again. (The Washington Post)
Jeff Guo wrote about one study that claims to show how the secret to Asian American success was not education, but was simply about receiving better opportunities. (The Washington Post)
Asian Americans shared and continue to share their racist encounters post-election. (Kimberly Yam, The Huffington Post)
Artist Maya Lin was one of the recipients awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom yesterday. (The White House)
Thursday, Dec. 1 @ 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.: “Be About It” Screening - Breaking the Silence on Hepatitis B. Room B369, Rayburn House Office Building. RSVP to Heather Skrabak at hskrabak [AT]
Saturday, Dec. 3: APIAHF 30th Anniversary Celebration. Oakland, Calif.
Wednesday, Dec. 7 @ 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Fast Forward 2060: Highlighting Legacy and Action in the AAPI Community. Pop-up exhibit and event, Impact Hub, D.C.
Wednesday, Dec. 7: APIAVote Taste of Democracy Reception. Jones Day, D.C.
Wednesday, Dec. 14: APAICS Holiday Party. National Association of Broadcasters, D.C.
Job and Internship Openings
Director of Policy, National CAPACD (DC)
National Organizer & Policy Manager, National CAPACD (DC)
Housing Program Coordinator, National CAPACD (DC)
Program Associate, APAICS (DC)
HR Manager, NAPCA (Seattle)
NCAPA postings:
External (including Hill) opportunities:
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