NCAPA Weekly Roundup | March 31 - April 7, 2017

The latest AAPI news from NCAPA and its 34 member organizations.


Senate Changes its Rules to Push through Gorsuch’s Supreme Court Nomination

After Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination failed to reach the required 60-vote threshold, Senate Republicans changed the rules and lowered the threshold to a simple majority. NCAPA National Director Christopher Kang wrote about why Republicans will regret this “nuclear option.” The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which includes NCAPA and 10 NCAPA members, issued a statement condemning this historic dismantling of the Supreme Court confirmation process. NCAPA opposed the Gorsuch nomination, which was confirmed this morning by a vote of 54-45.

APALA Condemns Attack on Syria

In a statement, the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (APALA) called yesterday’s yesterday’s military action in Syria utterly disgraceful.

Sanctuary Cities Protect American Communities

Advancing Justice | AAJC President and Executive Director John C. Yang testified in favor of Rockville, Md.’s Fostering Community Trust Ordinance. The ordinance would formalize the Rockville police practice of not asking about immigration status or aid in immigration enforcement efforts so that all residents can feel safe reporting crime and serving as witnesses. Read more on AAJC's blog.

Equal Pay Day Raises Awareness of Gender Pay Gap

April 4 was Equal Pay Day to mark the day when the average woman's pay finally catches up to the average man's pay from last year. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) reintroduced the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would impose harsher penalties for employers with pay discrimination. Although AAPI Equal Pay Day was March 7, when AAPI ethnicities are disaggregated, the pay gap is much wider. To learn more, read the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) report addressing the wage gap in the AAPI community.


A new interview blog highlights AAPIs in the D.C., Maryland and Virginia area and beyond. The first interviews feature NCAPA leaders Monica Thammarath of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) and Jason Tengco of the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA). (Been Here | Born Here)

Many undocumented AAPIs still struggle in silence. Kham Moua of OCA and Mari Quenemoen of SEARAC are two of the sources explaining the challenges the community faces in speaking out for immigration reform. (Massoud Hayoun, Al Jazeera)

Cambodian refugees of the “Minnesota 8” who are under threat of deportation continue to await their fate. In this story, NCAPA immigration committee co-chair, SEARAC’s Katrina Dizon Mariategue, urged anyone at risk of deportation to speak to a qualified attorney and try to find ways to legalize your status. (Doualy Xaykaothao, MPR)

Critics fear a new Arkansas abortion ban will have particularly harmful consequences for the Asian American community. Aliya Khan of NAPAWF explains how stereotypes are being used to advance an anti-abortion agenda. (Kimberly Yam, The Huffington Post)


Protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum Action Alert

Despite our victory two weeks ago, policymakers are plotting to repeal the Affordable Care Act again. Make no mistake, repealing the Affordable Care Act will make Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders worse off and would now:
-End consumer protections so insurance companies can charge sick people more
-Result in at least 24 million Americans without any coverage
-Offer less financial help and restrict access for some immigrants with legal status (including COFA migrants)
-End Medicaid as we know it, kicking off 14 million
-Result in less care, higher costs, paying more for less
You can be the margin that saves the ACA. Call your member of congress today.

Submit your comments via SEARAC’s ACA Impact Comment Card Campaign


April is Fair Housing Month

Learn about your rights at


Stop the Attack on Title X Family Planning

Sign the Planned Parenthood petition.


Support the Maryland Trust Act

AAPIs in Maryland, sign the AAJC petition to the Maryland Legislature and Gov. Larry Hogan to pass the Maryland Trust Act, which would make communities safer and support immigrant communities.


NAKASEC’s Immigrant Rapid Response Plan

-Share and use this number for families with immigration questions: 1-844-500-DACA or 1-844-500-3222 (Assistance available in Korean & English)

-Know Your Rights materials and trainings in Korean and English.
-The Dream Show webisode series on YouTube shares policy updates and episodes are produced in Korean.


Know Your Rights

More Know Your Rights materials for NCAPA members.


Share your FAFSA experience

Take SEARAC’S FAFSA Survey to help inform policymakers how to better support first-generation AAPI students with limited English proficiency in completing the FAFSA.


Track hate incidents and view their databases

South Asian Americans Leading Together | Asian Americans Advancing Justice | OCA National | Southern Poverty Law Center | Muslim Advocates



CAPAC Statement on Meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Kelly (Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus)

Kashoua “Kristy” Yang Becomes First Hmong American Woman Judge (Madison365)

George Takei to Produce Graphic Novel on His Life, Japanese-American Internment (Bethia Kwak, NBC Asian America)

A new report finds that AAPI homeownership rates are low. (DS News)

Anti-Muslim hate crimes rock South Asian communities while Trump and Modi look away (E.A. Crunden, ThinkProgress)

Senators Put Pressure On Trump To Create Hate Crime Task Force (Christopher Mathias, The Huffington Post)

Paramount exec admits Ghost in the Shell casting mattered (Jordan Crucchiola, Vulture)


Download the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Calendar

(To be updated weekly)

Saturday, April 8 @ 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. NAKASEC Community Art Day. Make posters at the NAKASEC office for upcoming mobilizations. NAKASEC office: 4304 Evergreen Lane, Suite 104, Annandale, VA 22003

Saturday, April 15 @ 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.: Tax Day March. NAKASEC contingent meeting at U.S. Capitol West Front Fountain, 1 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20510.

Wednesday, April 19 @ 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET: National Social Security Month Conference Call
Featuring Suze Orman, Personal Finance Expert

Friday, April 21 @ 6:00 p.m. APAICS Screening of “The Other Side: A liberal democrat explores conservative America.” Motion Picture Association of America, 1600 I St NW.

Friday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23: Hmong National Development Conference. Milwaukee.

Friday, April 21 @ 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.: 2017 SAALT Changemaker Awards. National Press Club. D.C.

Friday, April 21 - Monday, April 24: National South Asian Summit 2017. D.C.

Saturday, April 29: People’s Climate March. D.C.

Saturday, April 29: Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) Jump Start College Tour, a free workshop for high school students and parents. Portland Community College Southeast Campus.

Thursday, July 13 - Sunday, July 16: 14th Annual SABA North America Convention. D.C.


Executive Director Openings

APALA and IAPALA Executive Director

JACL Executive Director

NAPAWF Executive Director


Job and Internship Openings

AAJC Assistant Director of Legal Advocacy

APIAHF Network Innovations Program Manager

OCA Program Associate

APIAHF Executive Assistant

NAPABA Policy Associate

National CAPACD Senior Executive Assistant



2017 APIASF SMART Mentorship Program

APIASF Scholarship Reader

Grant Opportunities

The South Asian Bar Association Foundation (Foundation) is the charitable arm of the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA). Each year, the Foundation develops and funds public interest projects that benefit the South Asian community in the following areas: domestic violence; immigration rights; hate crimes, discrimination and racial profiling; and community access to justice. To apply for one of this year’s grants, please submit a completed application by April 24.

External (including Hill) opportunities

Other Opportunities

Have a story to tell as an #AAPI journalist? Tell the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) about it and you could present at #AAJA17 for a cash prize!


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