The latest AAPI news from NCAPA and its member organizations.
Reaction to Health Care Victory
House Republicans withdrew their health care bill Friday to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, one day after the seventh anniversary of the ACA. NCAPA members mobilized the AANHPI community, urging them to call their member of Congress to protect health care for all Americans. The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum said this was a testament to community action across the nation and will continue efforts to make affordable health care more accessible.
NCAPA Responds to White House Budget Blueprint
NCAPA and several members expressed serious concern in response to the White House Budget Blueprint, which would reduce or eliminate critical funding for programs and agencies that help our communities.
NCAPA, Members Condemn Recent and Rising Hate Violence
More than 150 organizations, including 16 NCAPA members and additional AAPI groups across the country, joined a Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights statement calling on the Executive Branch to take a firmer stand against hate incidents. NCAPA also endorsed the No Hate Act, which was introduced by Senator Blumenthal and Representative Beyer and would strengthen the federal hate crimes law and create incentives for law enforcement to submit complete hate crime reports.
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) joined Sen. Ben Cardin in a roundtable; held a Congressional briefing; and convened a Know Your Rights town hall on hate crimes. The briefing featured remarks from Members of Congress such as CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu, Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Rep. Raul Grijalva. SAALT partnered with leaders from the Sikh Coalition, Washington Peace Center/D.C. Justice for Muslims Coalition, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and Arab American Institute, who further discussed the effects of hate incidents and rhetoric.
NAKASEC Responds to Assault Incident in Charlotte, N.C.
In Charlotte, N.C., a Korean American manager of a beauty supply store assaulted a black woman. The National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and its affiliates issued a statement calling on the managers of the store to take full responsibility for their actions and emphasized the need for community members to address anti-blackness.
#ReleaseMN8 Campaign Wins Second Victory as Chamroeun Phan's Deportation is Delayed
Cambodian refugee Chamroeun Phan was issued an emergency stay of removal by an immigration judge and Phan's immigration case has been reopened. #ReleaseMN8 is a campaign that was started to help eight Cambodian Americans from Minnesota detained by ICE that NCAPA member Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) is helping to amplify.
Judge Amul R. Thapar Nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
If confirmed, Judge Thapar would be the second South Asian American judge to ever serve on a federal appeals court and the fifth active Asian Pacific American federal appellate judge. The South Asian Bar Association of North America and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association congratulated Judge Thapar on the pending nomination.
Muslim Ban 2.0 Blocked
U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson in Hawaii blocked President Trump’s second Muslim Ban on Wednesday, hours before it was to take effect. In Maryland, U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang was the second to block the revised ban.
NCAPA members South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) applauded the ruling, with SAALT saying that the ban “remains a stimulus package for hate that has already fanned the flames of fear, violence and tragedy in our communities.” In this litigation, NAPABA also filed an amicus brief to challenge the President’s revised Muslim and refugee ban.
SABA Disappointed in Termination of Preet Bharara
President Trump fired Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The South Asian Bar Association of North America, of which Bharara is a member and supporter, was disappointed with this decision.
NCAPA Transitions
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) Executive Director and former NCAPA chair Gregory Cendana announced he will transition from APALA in June. Bill Yoshino of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) also announced his retirement. NCAPA thanks Cendana and Yoshino for their service to NCAPA and to our AAPI communities.
National Director Christopher Kang wrote a piece about concerns regarding Neil Gorsuch’s independence and ability to serve as Supreme Court Justice. (Christopher Kang, The Huffington Post)
A story about Chinatowns across the country battling gentrification mentions a report from National CAPACD and Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement on anti-displacement. (Melissa Hung, NPR)
Interim Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum Sung Yeon Choimorrow wrote a blog about her positive experience with the ACA and how the Republican ACA repeal bill would be damaging for communities. (Sung Yeon Choimorrow, The Huffington Post)
Some first-generation Chinese Americans are vocally opposing sanctuary cities. OCA’s Kham Moua and other AAPI advocates provide a counter perspective. (Bill Turque, The Washington Post)
Take action against racist ban passed in Arkansas (NAPAWF action alert)
The Arkansas legislature passed a racist abortion ban, HB 1434, which targets Asian American communities and restrict legal access to abortion for AAPIs. Read more about these racist bans and call Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson at 501-682-2345 to tell him to veto HB 1434.
Call your Senator to block funding for Trump’s attacks on immigrants (NAKASEC action alert)
Call your Senator today. Tell them to say NO to funding Trump’s wall, deportation force and detention centers. Click here to find your Senator's phone number.
Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [City, State, Zip Code], and I urge you to NOT fund President Trump’s wall, deportation force and detention centers. Our tax dollars should be spent on programs that help our communities thrive, like public education, child care, affordable housing. We should not be rounding up our community members. I support immigrant and refugee communities.
NAKASEC’s Immigrant Rapid Response Plan
-Share and use this number for families with immigration questions: 1-844-500-DACA or 1-844-500-3222 (Assistance available in Korean & English)
-Know Your Rights materials and trainings in Korean and English.
-The Dream Show webisode series on YouTube shares policy updates and episodes are produced in Korean.
Stop Neil Gorsuch
Call your senators now (202-224-3121) and tell them to #StopGorsuch in his nomination to be a Supreme Court Justice.
Share your FAFSA experience
Take SEARAC’S FAFSA Survey to help inform policymakers how to better support first-generation AAPI students with limited English proficiency in completing the FAFSA.
Track hate incidents and view their databases
South Asian Americans Leading Together | Asian Americans Advancing Justice | OCA National | Southern Poverty Law Center | Muslim Advocates
Leadership Conference Announces Vanita Gupta as New President and CEO (The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights)
Trump Is Scaring Indian Americans Into Finding Their Political Voice (Emma Green, The Atlantic)
Colorado GOP Rep. Phil Covarrubias defends Japanese internment as the type of thing that happens “in the heat of combat” (Erica Metzler, Denverite)
Under Obama, I advised undocumented immigrants to trust police. Here's what I'd say now. (Manar Waheed, Policy.Mic)
Two Asian American Federal Judges Put Latest Travel Ban on Hold (AsAmNews)
Saturday, April 8 @ 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. NAKASEC Community Art Day. Make posters at the NAKASEC office for upcoming mobilizations. NAKASEC office: 4304 Evergreen Lane, Suite 104, Annandale, VA 22003
Saturday, April 15 @ 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.: Tax Day March. NAKASEC contingent meeting at U.S. Capitol West Front Fountain, 1 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20510.
Friday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23: Hmong National Development Conference. Milwaukee.
Friday, April 21 - Monday, April 24: National South Asian Summit 2017. D.C.
Thursday, July 13 - Sunday, July 16: 14th Annual SABA North America Convention. D.C.
Executive Director Openings
APALA and IAPALA Executive Director
Job and Internship Openings
AAJC Assistant Director of Legal Advocacy
APIAHF Network Innovations Program Manager
Senior Executive Assistant, National CAPACD
Volunteer for the National South Asian Summit
2017 APIASF SMART Mentorship Program
External (including Hill) opportunities
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