NCAPA signs on to Muslim Advocates letters regarding possible hate crimes: NCAPA and several members signed on to two coalition letters calling for investigations into possible hate crimes. Today’s letter calls on Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett to conduct a fair investigation into the murder of Khalid Jabara, and a letter sent last week urges New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to direct the New York Police Department to investigate the murder of two Muslim men in Queens: Imam Alauddin Akonjee and Thara Miah.
AANHPIs stand in solidarity with movement for racial justice through data equity: NCAPA members Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) and the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) voiced their support for AB 1726, or the Accounting for Health and Education in API Demographics Act (AHEAD), a California bill that would disaggregate data to help better determine solutions to health and education barriers facing AANHPIs. NCAPA members were joined by the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network and Empowering Pacific Islander Communities. APIAHF also issued a separate statement supporting these data disaggregation efforts.
AAJC releases voter guide: Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC released its Asian American Voter Guide that shows where both of the major political party candidates stand on issues of significance to our communities, such as immigration reform, racial profiling and voter ID laws.
OCA appalled with ideological 'immigration questionnaire' proposal: OCA opposes the proposal given on the campaign trail to question and investigate new immigrants to this country. OCA National President Leslie Moe-Kaiser says this proposal would lead to widespread discrimination in the immigration process.
APALA urges DHS and state governments to follow DOJ's lead to end private prisons: APALA acknowledged that the Department of Justice phasing out use of private prisons for federal inmates was a step in the right direction. APALA urged the Department of Homeland Security and state governments to follow suit.
NCAPA in the News
NBC Asian America’s Minh Nguyen interviewed Center for Asian American Media’s Debbie Ng about the launch of CAAM’s campaign to fund outreach for a film about the Chinese Exclusion Act. The campaign “Who is American?” aims to spread awareness of the law in classrooms and the community.
Medill News Service’s Jenny Lee wrote about how Asian Americans still tend to be left out of outreach efforts from political parties. AAJC’s Terry Ao Minnis talks about how to win the Asian American vote.
Take Action!
DEADLINE TODAY to Support AAPI Elders: The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) has a comment card you can sign to help ensure that AAPI and diverse elders receive the resources they need: http://act.caringacross.org/survey/napca-dec/
#ElevateAAPI Challenge: Use your creativity to help tell the story of AAPIs! Learn more about the challenge from the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) and AAPI Data: http://bit.ly/ElevateAAPI (Deadline: Sept. 5)
CAAM’s Chinese Exclusion Act Campaign - “Who is American?”: Help CAAM raise funds to support a PBS documentary on the Chinese Exclusion Act: https://caam-2741.wedid.it/
Take the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance’s (APALA) #NotYourModelMinority pledge: http://bit.ly/NYMMPledge
Register to vote and encourage others to register at www.apiavote.org/register.
Sign on here to become a partner with the (APALA) for National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 27.
In Case You Missed It
News21 published a feature on Asian Americans who are involved in getting out the vote and barriers our communities face at the polls.
KPCC interviewed Asian Americans with supporting and opposing views on California bill AB 1726. Former NCAPA intern Jason Fong was interviewed saying the bill would help our communities.
The Washington Post’s DeNeen L. Brown interviewed Cissy Marshall, the Filipino American wife of the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, and Cissy reflected on their memories together. The story is a part of a series tied to the African American Museum of History and Culture.
AAPI Events
Saturday, Aug. 27 @ 1:00 p.m.: Unity Rally and Action Against Gun Violence. Co-hosted by APALA.
Saturday, Aug. 27 @ 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.: Joe M. Montano, Jr. - A Celebration of Life. Capitale DC.
Monday, Aug. 29 @ 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET: ESSA Webinar #3 - Learn about the new rules in school testing. NCAPA Education Committee.
Wednesday, Sept. 7 @ 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.: Power of She Networking Reception. Baan Thai.
Job and Internship Openings
NCAPA postings: ncapaonline.org/opportunities
External (including Hill) opportunities:http://bit.ly/NCAPAexternaljobs
Latest opportunities:
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