NCAPA Weekly Roundup | April 7 - 13, 2017

The latest AAPI news from NCAPA and its 34 member organizations.


NCAPA Members Respond to Removal of United Passenger

NCAPA members OCA, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC), Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) and the National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) responded to the forced and violent removal of passenger Dr. David Dao from a United Airlines flight on April 9. OCA will send a letter to United Airlines, the Chicago Department of Aviation and the U.S. Department of Transportation demanding a complete audit of the incident. They are also calling for Congressional hearings to investigate boarding processes by United and other airlines.

Read Advancing Justice | AAJC President and CEO John C. Yang’s blog post about how Asian Americans should use this incident to bring our communities to stand against injustice whenever we see it.

Civil Rights Advocates Renew Efforts to Oust Bannon

Muslim Advocates led a letter of 24 civil rights groups to highlight White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s failure of governance and record of bigotry vilifying people of color, women, religious minorities and the LGBT community. NCAPA and members Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC and National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse joined the letter.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Condemns AG Sessions’ Plans to Prosecute Undocumented Immigrants and Target Humanitarian Workers

Asian Americans Advancing Justice urged Congress to stand up against an anti-immigrant agenda following a memo Attorney General Jeff Sessions released directing federal prosecutors to prioritize prosecuting immigration status-related crimes. This includes prosecuting people for transporting or harboring undocumented immigrants. Advancing Justice says that these policies heighten an anti-immigrant hysteria.

 For Financial Capability Month, National CAPACD Launches its Immigrant Integration Video

The National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD) launched a video about their partnerships to provide in-language financial education and training to Asian American and Pacific Islander immigrants.

Seven New Asian American Documentaries Premiere on PBS and World Channel in May

The Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) is presenting seven films to broadcast on national public television for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, with a few streaming on Go to the CAAM website to view a full list of the films.


Here’s why you should tell federal agencies that they should collect and report race and ethnicity data. (Deepa Iyer, Colorlines)

Politicians and Asian American advocates, including OCA, are calling for an investigation after Dr. David Dao was dragged off a Sunday United flight. (Chris Fuchs, NBC Asian America)

Aliya Khan of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) talked to Bustle about the repercussions of an Arizona sex-selective abortion bill, HR 147, which could devastate Asian American women and other women of color seeking abortions. (Mehreen Kasana, Bustle)


Support detailed data on the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community.

Take Action- Tell OMB you deserve to be counted!.png

 For the first time in 20 years, tell the Office of Management and Budget why detailed data about specific Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander groups is important to you and your community. 

Two ways to take action:
1) Individuals/community members: Send a letter to OMB
2) Organizations: Sign on to an organization sign on letter



Join National CAPACD in increasing access to the Earned Income Tax Credit for our low-income AAPI communities through expanding the requirements from ages 25-65 to ages 21-70.

  1. Join the Thunderclap social media campaign to trigger a mass-tweet or Facebook presence of a single message about the importance of EITC age expansion on tax day (April 18)

  2. Fill out the online action alert.


Take the Video Challenge: Keep Cambodian Families Together This Khmer New Year

From SEARAC: Join community members and allies to participate in a National Week of Action from April 15 - 21. Show your #RefugeeResilience by calling on your Representatives and Senators to keep our families together.
Share your video on Facebook (make sure it's public so other can see it) or email it to [email protected] to share. Don't forget to use the hashtags #RefugeeResilience, #Right2Return, and #Not1More.

More information from SEARAC.


Protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum Action Alert

Despite our victory two weeks ago, policymakers are plotting to repeal the Affordable Care Act again. Make no mistake, repealing the Affordable Care Act will make Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders worse off and would now:
-End consumer protections so insurance companies can charge sick people more
-Result in at least 24 million Americans without any coverage
-Offer less financial help and restrict access for some immigrants with legal status (including COFA migrants)
-End Medicaid as we know it, kicking off 14 million
-Result in less care, higher costs, paying more for less
You can be the margin that saves the ACA. Call your member of congress today.

Submit your comments via SEARAC’s ACA Impact Comment Card Campaign


Support the Maryland Trust Act

AAPIs in Maryland, sign the AAJC petition to the Maryland Legislature and Gov. Larry Hogan to pass the Maryland Trust Act, which would make communities safer and support immigrant communities.


NAKASEC’s Immigrant Rapid Response Plan

-Share and use this number for families with immigration questions: 1-844-500-DACA or 1-844-500-3222 (Assistance available in Korean & English)

-Know Your Rights materials and trainings in Korean and English.
-The Dream Show webisode series on YouTube shares policy updates and episodes are produced in Korean.


Know Your Rights

More Know Your Rights materials for NCAPA members.


Share your FAFSA experience

Take SEARAC’S FAFSA Survey to help inform policymakers how to better support first-generation AAPI students with limited English proficiency in completing the FAFSA.


Track hate incidents and view their databases

South Asian Americans Leading Together | Asian Americans Advancing Justice | OCA National | Southern Poverty Law Center | Muslim Advocates



"Deported,” a five-part documentary series by Sahra V. Nguyen is streaming on “NBC Asian America Presents.”

The Daily Show’s Hasan Minhaj will host this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner (Caroline Framke, Vox)


Download the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Calendar

(To be updated weekly)

SAVE THE DATE for NCAPA’s APAHM Event - May 17 @ Emerging Threats to the AAPI Community: A Civil Rights & Immigration Discussion

Emerging Threats to the AAPI Community-home.png


Saturday, April 15 @ 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.: Tax Day March. NAKASEC contingent meeting at U.S. Capitol West Front Fountain,1 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20510.

Tuesday, April 18 @ 3:00 p.m. ET:  SEARAC Community Call - What's Next in Education Equity for Southeast Asian American Communities?

Wednesday, April 19 @ 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET: National Social Security Month Conference Call
Featuring Suze Orman, Personal Finance Expert

Thursday, April 20 @ 12:30-2:00 p.m. PDT / 3:30-5:00 p.m. ET: AAPCHO Webinar - Emerging Issues in Payment Reform: Engagement at the State Level and Opportunities to Address the Social Determinants of Health

Friday, April 21 @ 6:00 p.m. APAICS Screening of “The Other Side: A liberal democrat explores conservative America.” Motion Picture Association of America, 1600 I St NW.

Friday, April 21 - Sunday, April 23: Hmong National Development Conference. Milwaukee.

Friday, April 21 @ 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.: 2017 SAALT Changemaker Awards. National Press Club. D.C.

Friday, April 21 - Monday, April 24: National South Asian Summit 2017. D.C.

Saturday, April 29: People’s Climate March. D.C.

Saturday, April 29: Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) Jump Start College Tour, a free workshop for high school students and parents. Portland Community College Southeast Campus.

May 26: AAPCHO 2nd Annual AA&NHPI Health Center Summit. San Francisco, Calif.

Wednesday, May 31 - Friday, June 2People & Places 2017 in Arlington, Va. With National CAPACD + Partners.

Thursday, July 13 - Sunday, July 16: 14th Annual SABA North America Convention. D.C.


Executive Director Openings

APALA and IAPALA Executive Director

JACL Executive Director

NAPAWF Executive Director


Job and Internship Openings

OCA Development Associate

OCA Program Associate

AAJC Assistant Director of Legal Advocacy

APIAHF Network Innovations Program Manager

APIAHF Executive Assistant

National CAPACD Senior Executive Assistant


Grant Opportunities

The South Asian Bar Association Foundation (Foundation) is the charitable arm of the South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA). Each year, the Foundation develops and funds public interest projects that benefit the South Asian community in the following areas: domestic violence; immigration rights; hate crimes, discrimination and racial profiling; and community access to justice. To apply for one of this year’s grants, please submit a completed application by April 24.


External (including Hill) opportunities


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