Celebrate Giving Tuesday
Consider giving to an NCAPA member group this Giving Tuesday and throughout the holiday season!
Several of our groups are highlighted in NBC Asian America.
"While there are many worthy causes to support this Giving Tuesday, I hope people will consider [Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander] AANHPI organizations in particular, as our voices must be as strong as ever to protect our civil rights, immigrant rights, health care, and more," Christopher Kang, told NBC News. "When only 0.3 percent of foundation investments support AANHPI communities, it is up to individuals to help ensure that we can stand up and speak out."
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF)
As a champion for health equity for 30 years, APIAHF is the oldest and largest national health advocacy organization working with AA and NHPI communities. We have connected our communities to the White House, Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court. Over the next few years, APIAHF will focus on our key strategies of being the clear, strong consumer voice and mobilizing our communities to speak with us in unison, all to improve the health of AAs and NHPIs.
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF)
Since 2003, as the nation's largest scholarship organization serving Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), APIASF has worked to mobilize resources that create opportunities for deserving AAPI students to access, complete and succeed through post-secondary education.
Today, Tuesday, November 29, is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving kicking off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Please consider donating to APIASF by clicking here.
By using the APIASF giving page, you will also have the option of sharing your support of APIASF on your social media and to encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to do the same.
Volunteer your time - sign up here.
Help us select our next cohort of Scholars by as a Reader by evaluating applications or sign up to be a Mentor to current Scholars. Share your time and talent with the next generation of leaders through our all-virtual volunteer opportunities.
Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
By contributing to APIAVote, you are helping us expand the AAPI electorate through voter registration, education and get out the vote activities. You can increase the electoral impact of AAPIs through civic engagement, strengthen the capacity and resources available to our partners and grantees, and allow us to ensure AAPI voices are heard. Your donation directly funds APIAVote’s programs—from our Norman Y. Mineta Leadership Institute trainings to our YouthVote campaign. Join the movement and ensure that no AAPI is left unheard—donate to APIAVote today.
Donate over $25, and we'll send you an APIAVote t-shirt as a thank you gift!
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
For more than a quarter-century, Advancing Justice | AAJC has worked to ensure that Congress, executive agencies, and federal courts understand and appreciate the diverse experiences and challenges faced by Asian Americans and other traditionally underserved communities. But a great deal of hard work remains.
In the days since the election, we have seen our community worry about policy changes that may affect Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, as well as other minority communities. We are seeing individuals who have provided platforms for white supremacist ideology placed in the highest positions of power and those with anti-immigrant and anti-voting rights records in consideration for cabinet-level positions. We are hearing policy proposals that echo one of America's most shameful moments in the last century: the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Will you stand with us as we fight intolerance and hate?
Make a $25 contribution today to honor the past 25 years of work and ensure the next 25. Better yet, become a sustaining member with an ongoing monthly donation. Your automatic monthly gift will provide sustained resources needed to move our work forward.
We are at a critical moment in history where we must continue to work towards an inclusive America as others try to take us backward.
Take a moment today to share this message with a friend and consider supporting our work for Giving Tuesday. We are prepared to fight to strengthen access to democracy for all Americans.
Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
The Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) mission aims to foster Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) participation and representation at all levels of the political process. APAICS programs focus on developing leadership, building public policy knowledge, and filling the political pipeline for AAPIs to pursue public office at the local, state, and federal levels.
To continue our work in cultivating the AAPI political pipeline through our various programs, we need your support. On #GivingTuesday, we hope you will consider giving to APAICS to support our Congressional Summer Internship Program.
Among undergraduate students, our Summer Internship Program develops leadership and professional skills, encourages political and civic engagement, and fosters a strong interest in public service careers. In order to continue to strengthen and grow this program, we need your help!
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
Your support has never been more important than it is now.
We ask that you make your #GivingTuesday donation to support AAPCHO’s Health Equity and Social Justice Fellow. Your gift will be put to work immediately as AAPCHO’s fellow, staff and advocates build and strengthen partnerships and fight against efforts to roll back our health care and civil rights. Please take a moment to add your support and make a tax-deductible donation today at: www.crowdrise.com/health-equity-and-social-justice-fellow.
Kick off the giving season by making a donation to help us defend the progress we’ve made, and help ensure everyone has a chance to live a full and healthy life. Thank you for your support.
Center for Asian American Media (CAAM)
Help us educate, inspire and represent diverse voices:
▪ Make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to CAAM today, #GivingTuesday.
▪ Forward this email to your friends and family members and encourage them to donate to CAAM on our secure website CAAMedia.org/StoriesthatUnite.
▪ If you have been moved by the stories you've experienced through CAAM, share your story and a picture on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #StoriestoLight and #StoriesthatUnite.
▪ Increase the impact of your gift by requesting a matching donation from your employer. Many companies have matching gift programs, including AOL, Google, Macy's and others.
We are resolved to stay focused on this mission to celebrate diversity, build community, and share stories. We believe that ultimately, sharing our authentic selves and experiences ensure that we do not merely exist and tell stories for diversity’s sake, but to effect positive and lasting change in the future of our country.
We cannot do this work without your participation -- as members, as supporters. Please donate today. We hope to see you at the 35th Anniversary of CAAMFest March 9-19, 2017 in San Francisco and Oakland to give voice to our diverse America.
Together, we can bring Stories to Light, Stories that Unite.
Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP)
Whether you are passionate about developing people, empowering communities, or informing society, something about LEAP’s work keeps you in touch with us.
Support Asian and Pacific Islander leadership and donate to LEAP today.
Your donation will help us to continue doing the work we do. The work we love. With the community we belong to.
Your donation will help Asian and Pacific Islander leaders stay ready for opportunities ahead.
Your donation will help us to DREAM BIG.
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)
Today, November 29, 2016 is Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. As we prepare for the holiday season, #GivingTuesday is the perfect opportunity to celebrate generosity and support your favorite causes. We are living and breathing in moments of organizing and resistance to protect our communities. We need your help now more than ever. Give today to NAPAWF to help us do more.
As part of the NAPAWF family, you've already helped do so much: like call on Congress to stop raids on immigrant families, fight for reproductive justice by bringing our voice to the podium and to the airwaves, train new leaders in the movement, and support communities everywhere in times of need.
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)
As the Thanksgiving weekend has come to a close, we want to remind you how thankful we are to have you as part of our NQAPIA family. This year has been difficult, but we will continue to support each other and continue the fight to help our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community live authentically.
For over 10 years, we have been fighting for immigrants' rights, racial justice, family acceptance, trans justice, and LGBTQ AAPI visibility. Even though so many of us have expressed fears and concerns of what may happen under a Trump presidency, we will not stop our work. But, we can't do this without you!
National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD)
Can we count on you to join our coalition of 100 organizations, dedicated to improving the lives of over 2 million Asian American and Pacific Islanders across the nation, on #GivingTuesday?
The state of our organization and our diverse member base is strong, but during these uncertain times we need your help to be stronger.
With 100 organizations in 19 states and the Pacific Islands and our ability to serve in over 25 different languages and dialects, the diversity of our coalition is what equips us to fight collaboratively for more just and inclusive neighborhoods and communities.
Collectively, the coalition improves the lives of millions of Asian American and Pacific Islanders who live in poverty by providing them a unified voice, tools, and shared knowledge to drive change.
OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates
Today, deemed #GivingTuesday, we launch the 2016 Annual Year-End Campaign. #GivingTuesday is an opportunity to not only show your support of causes that you care about, but also reflect upon the values that you hold true. The dollars we raise at year-end go directly toward building our capacity as an organization and toward supporting our policy staff that provides a voice to all AAPIs.
OCA stands strong in its commitment to protect the civil rights of over 11 million AAPIs across the United States. We will continue to fight and be a strong voice to enact change on policies that help empower those who are most in need in this country. We are proud to be that voice.
Sikh American Legal Defense & Education Fund (SALDEF)
Our SikhLEAD Leadership Development Program participants (SikhLEADers) continue to make a difference across the country. We recently concluded another training for SikhLEAD’s fifth cohort (LDP5) in DC. This three-day program focused on providing SikhLEADers with a changemakers’ tool-kit that includes strategies for: successfully influencing policy-makers; organizing diverse communities; and working with media to accurately represent Sikh Americans as an integral part of the fabric of our nation.
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)
[Email blast from a SAALT Fellow]
My name is Jasveen and I am a college student living in America's post-election reality. I am also a 2016-2017 Fellow of SAALT's Young Leaders Institute (YLI).
In acknowledgment of Giving Tuesday, which follows the Thanksgiving Holiday each year, I want you to know how grateful I am that generous donors support SAALT and this amazing program.
With intolerance and even violence targeting our communities and surging nationwide, it is becoming difficult to find safe havens anywhere. Going to school, traveling, practicing my faith, even walking the street in broad daylight now present unmistakable risks to my life.
YLI became an important outlet for me and eleven other young South Asians Fellows who are part of this year's cohort. It gave us an opportunity to connect with activists and mentors, and explore equality and immigrant justice strategies to implement on behalf of the South Asian community. It has also become a place where I found community amongst like-minded South Asians who are passionate about justice.
South Asian Bar Association of North America (SABA-NA)
The SABA Foundation develops and funds public interest projects that benefit the South Asian community in the areas of domestic violence; immigration rights; hate crimes, discrimination, and racial profiling; and community access to justice.
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)
In honor of #GivingTuesday, our long-time SEARAC family member Mari Quenemoen is raising money on Facebook to support SEARAC's work. Today the Gates Foundation announced that it will match donations made to this fundraiser up to $1,000.
For the last five years, I have been privileged to work with Southeast Asian American communities who came to this country as refugees from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam 40 years ago. This community has taught me about the strengths and terrible weaknesses of the American refugee resettlement and integration systems. As refugees they are still facing generational trauma and poverty, but I am inspired to see how they fight for their own well-being through advocacy and organizing.
A donation to SEARAC is one thing you can do to empower some of the voices we need to hear right now - because a great America belongs to us all.
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