Contact: Mary Tablante; |
National Council of Asian Pacific Americans Commends Senate for Blocking Anti-Refugee Legislation
The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans commends the Senate for its vote to block the so-called American SAFE Act (H.R. 4038), which would have effectively halted all refugees from Syria and Iraq from being resettled into the United States.
NCAPA has declared that opposing anti-Muslim hate and xenophobia is one of our highest priorities this year. As part this effort, we are opposing public policy proposals that reflect bias or bigotry, and earlier today, we sent a statement to all Senators, urging them to reject this legislation. NCAPA also joined letters of opposition led by NCAPA member Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) and a broader letter of over 500 immigration law experts, humanitarian aid organizations, faith, labor and civil and human rights groups.
Since 2011, almost 12 million people--equivalent to half of the Syrian population--have been displaced by the conflict, including 7.6 million displaced inside Syria. Yet, because the screening process at all levels is so rigorous, only 2,034 Syrian refugees have been admitted since fiscal year 2011.
2,034 out of 12 million.
And none have been arrested or removed on terrorism charges.
We thank the Senate for protecting our safety and security while continuing to welcome refugees with respect and dignity--based on facts, not fear mongering.
Based in Washington, D.C., the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans is a coalition of 35 national Asian Pacific American organizations that serves to represent the interests of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities and to provide a national voice for our communities’ concerns. Our communities are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States, currently making up approximately six percent of the population.
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