National South Asian Summit 2017

National South Asian Summit 2017

The National South Asian Summit 2017 will convene hundreds of South Asian organizations, advocates, and allies from across the U.S. on April 21-24, 2017 in Washington, D.C.  The 2017 Summit will be the 10-year anniversary for this epic gathering, and will provide an opportunity to build skills that will deepen your organization’s work and your individual leadership, connect with government officials and congressional offices, expand your networks, and strategize with diverse leaders, advocates, and allies to demand justice, create change, and claim your power through collective action.

This year’s theme is in response to the rise in hate violence, xenophobic rhetoric, and anti-immigrant sentiment that have escalated to unprecedented levels.  These challenges facing our communities continue to grow.  In response, our communities must be United for Action.


  • To register for the 2017 National Summit, click here
  • To learn more about the 2017 ChangeMakers Awards Reception, including calls for nominations and registration information, click here
  • Information on calls for Community Session Proposals for the National Summit, click here
  • Information on calls for Poster Session for the National Summit, click here
  • For lodging and travel information for the National Summit, click here
  • For the National Summit Agenda, click here
  • For National Summit FAQs, click here
April 21, 2017 at 12:00pm - April 24, 2017
Washington DC

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