Keep up the fight to stop Trumpcare
The Senate’s bill to replace the Affordable Care Act, was released on Monday and now we know the ugly truth. This unnecessarily cruel bill, or Trumpcare, would remove 22 million people from their health plans, undermining the health care system for most Americans and increasing the costs of health care insurance - just so the wealthy can benefit from even larger tax cuts. In addition, the bill undermines Medicaid, forcing cash-strapped states to cut the amount of coverage low-income families receive and forcing individuals and families out of the program.
Senate Republicans may have delayed the Affordable Care Act repeal vote until after the July 4th recess, but we cannot afford to let up the pressure opposing this heinous bill!
Make sure that your Senators hear from you during this recess! You can take action in any or all of the following ways:
Call your Senators every day until the vote happens. Call your Senators at 1-888-200-5389 and tell them: “I oppose the plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with Trumpcare and ask that you vote against it and protect our care.”
Need help? Watch APIAHF’s video on How to Call Your Senators
Email your Senators. After you call your Senators, send them an email. The more we communicate with them the better we can get the message across.
Find and attend a town hall. Share your concerns and personal stories directly with your Senator.
Share your story. Tell us why the ACA matters to you and your loved ones. Your story can help policymakers understand the importance of the ACA.
Take action items courtesy of NCAPA member the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF)
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