Free Screening of "Delano Manongs"



“Delano Manongs”

Documentary Screening

The Delano Manongs (26 minutes) tells the story of farm labor

organizer Larry Itliong and a group of Filipino farm workers who

instigated one of the American farm labor movement’s finest hours –

The Delano Grape Strike of 1965 that brought about the creation of

the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). While the movement is known

for Cesar Chavez’s leadership and considered a Chicano movement,

Filipinos played a pivotal role. Filipino labor organizer, Larry Itliong, a

cigar-chomping union veteran, organized a group of 1500 Filipinos to

strike against the grape growers of Delano, California, beginning a

collaboration between Filipinos, Chicanos and other ethnic workers

that would go on for year. Discussion to follow after screening.

Filipino food will be served.


When: Thursday, May 28 at 6PM

Where: AFL-CIO, Gompers Floor (1st Floor)

Please rsvp:

We will be collecting donations for humanitarian efforts in Nepal.

This screening is a collaboration between APALA, KAYA: Filipinos

Americans for Progress, NaFFAA, and NCAPA – Housing and Economic

Justice Committee.

May 28, 2015 at 6:00pm - 8pm
815 16th St NW
Washington, D.C., DC 20006
United States
Google map and directions

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