I endorse the NCAPA description of the need and policy recommendations on Advancing Interests of Native Peoples. Specifically, I endorse
Federal Recognition of Native Hawaiian Governance:
Support self-governance by administratively or legislatively implementing federal recognition afforded to other indigenous peoples, including American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Trust Relationship in Federal Programs:
Support the reauthorization of the Native Hawaiian Home Ownership Act and, the Native Hawaiian Education Act. Support the expansion of the Native Small Business Administration 8(a) Business Development Program to include support for eligible Native Hawaiian organizations. Advocate for the inclusion of the eligible geographic definition of the Substantially Under Served Trust Areas (SUTA) in key federal capital programs such as the U.S. Treasury New Market Tax Credits, and Department of Energy renewable energy programs.
Equitable Treatment and Support for U.S. Affiliated Pacific Island Jurisdictions:
Support legislation that includes funding eligibility for American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas in key federal programs such as the Workforce Investment Act and the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Program. Restore Medicaid eligibility for Compacts of Free Association Migrants and lifting of Medicaid limitations for Pacific Island territories. Implement the recommendations of the Guam War Claims Review Commission Report.