NCAPA, APIAHF, and other Anchor Institutions on Kellogg Foundation Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Summit
The WKKF “America Healing Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative," is a unique partnership of 12 leading national organizations all dedicated to racial equity and racial healing. As racial equity Anchor Organizations, we have been long-term partners with the Kellogg Foundation in exposing structural inequities and barriers to opportunity in communities, remedying them and helping heal racial wounds. At least 32 states have issued official calls for healing in recent months. Responding to calls for healing is not new for the Kellogg Foundation.
The racial equity Anchor Organizations’ collaboration demonstrates a unified commitment to building an equitable and just society for all children and families in the United States. Only when we have an authentic and shared understanding of our collective past can we start to dismantle the structures, policies and systems that divide us.
Our shared work ahead affirms our collective humanity and seeks to heal the divides in our communities. We must foster genuine conversations about race, racism, ethnicity and xenophobia in communities so we can begin to heal.
We stand together for community-building that includes all races, places of origin and ethnicities.
Advancement Project
"Our country is ailing from hate and division that is more pronounced than we've seen in decades. WKKFs effort to heal our nation and create an inclusive democracy is what we need in this moment and should be applauded." Judith Browne Dianis Executive Director, Advancement Project, National Office
Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum
“This past year we have witnessed the polarization of America with bigotry and anti-immigrant rhetoric taking center stage,” said Kathy Ko Chin, president and CEO of the Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum. “Our work is ever more important in light of what has transpired. The Kellogg Foundation and its partners are here to give voice to those most vulnerable and work toward healing our nation.”
“Demos is proud to partner with the Kellogg Foundation and our fellow Anchor Organizations on this new initiative, especially during this crucial time of healing across our nation. Demos is a long-time supporter of WKKF’s commitment to promoting the well-being of children of all races and creating opportunities for all – at this moment, there is no better way to continue to bolster those efforts than by joining this collaboration and working to bridge our country’s racial divides.”
Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
“Our work building a society centered on inclusion is more essential than ever. The values that underpin our work, those of the W.K.Kellogg racial equity anchors, are non-negotiable to us. We affirmatively believe and support building a world where all people belong, and we also know the way we understand race and tackle the reality of racial inequities will be key to building that world,” john a. powell, Director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at UC Berkeley.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
“To move on from a nation built on inequality, oppression, and racism, to one based on inclusion and access, we must not only work to end racial inequality but also begin a national journey toward healing. Through its work on racial equity, the Kellogg Foundation carves new paths for healing the collective pain of centuries of oppression. Through Kellogg’s courage in embracing the harsh truth of our historical and present inequality, we are able to begin a journey of reconciliation and healing capable of transforming our long-sought potential as a nation into a reality.”
-- Cornell William Brooks, President, and CEO of the NAACP
National Congress of American Indians
“The Kellogg Foundation has long been an ardent advocate of America’s first peoples and their right and ability to craft prosperous futures that reflect their cultures and priorities. The Foundation's support of the Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative is a testament to its unerring commitment to foster healing across our American society, and to cultivate a sense of common purpose and understanding among our respective communities, laying bare the systemic issues that create inequity and equipping us with the forum and tools necessary to develop and implement transformative solutions that will provide greater opportunity for all."
-- Jacqueline Pata, Executive Director, National Congress of American Indians
National Council of Asian Pacific Americans
"We are a nation divided, but through the courage and moral leadership of institutions such as the Kellogg Foundation, we will not fall. Now more than ever, our country needs racial healing, to break down the barriers of prejudice and inequality and to create a brighter future for all Americans—where each child’s human value is cherished, nurtured, and equal. This is the work of the Kellogg Foundation, and this is the work that the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans is honored to be a part of," said Christopher Kang, National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans.
National Council of La Raza
“As demographic changes propel our nation toward an increasingly diverse future, shaping a society that works for everyone, regardless of race and ethnicity, is an imperative, not an option,” said Janet Murguia, NCLR President and CEO. “The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is meeting that national imperative by blazing the trail toward a shared, multi-racial future in which everyone has a fair shot at the American Dream.”
National Urban League
“The National Urban League is pleased to further our partnership with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to promote racial healing and equity,” said president and CEO Marc H. Morial. “We’ve learned from our 100 plus years of advocating for economic and social justice that you cannot change policies by being passive. Only through understanding and intentional actions will we close the racial divide and begin to break down the structures that have become barriers to equality. We welcome every effective tool available to heal our communities.”
PICO National Network
“Like people of faith, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation resists the hierarchy of human value,” said Scott Reed, executive director of the PICO National Network. “We’ve been proud to partner with the Kellogg Foundation in creating radical spaces of empathy and understanding for all people; regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity or creed. This is a calling for all times and all places, but it is a sacred obligation in this historical moment.”
Poverty & Race Research Action Council
“The Kellogg Foundation’s racial equity efforts are all about bringing our country together and healing the racial divisions that continue to hold us back,“ said Philip Tegeler, director of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council. “Racial discrimination and segregation harms everyone in our society, but most of all our poorest families and children, who need access to opportunity the most.”
Race Forward
“Race Forward has been a proud partner of the WKKF Racial Equity and Healing initiative since its start. It takes courage and an open mind to dive into our nation’s racial divide - to engage the sources of that divide in ways that lead us to collective solutions that benefit, most importantly, the lives of all our children.” Rinku Sen, Executive Director of Race Forward
Based in Washington, D.C., the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans is a coalition of 35 national Asian Pacific American organizations that serves to represent the interests of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities and to provide a national voice for our communities’ concerns. Our communities are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States, currently making up approximately six percent of the population.
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