NCAPA Weekly Roundup | July 4 -11, 2017

Weekly Roundup |  A Look Ahead: Anti-Immigrant Bills, Trumpcare, Voter Fraud Commission

July 4 -11, 2017



Congress is back from recess and all eyes are on the Senate where Mitch McConnell has promised to bring a vote on their version of Trumpcare. Several Senators have expressed doubt about whether the bill will pass, but we could see a revised bill as early as next week.


Last week, the House passed two anti-immigrant bills: The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003) and Kate’s Law (H.R. 3004). H.R. 3003 would authorize withholding millions of dollars in federal funding for sanctuary cities and localities with community trust policies, and would make these communities less safe. Kate’s Law aims to criminalize immigrants even further by heightening penalties for illegal reentry. The NCAPA immigration committee is preparing for when these bills head to the Senate.


President Trump has put a hold on his voter fraud commission’s request to collect sensitive voter data, which would have included the last four digits of voters’ Social Security numbers. The myth of voter fraud is harmful to all communities and is used to justify suppressing the vote of citizens, including through voter purging. These efforts usually end up targeting and impacting Asian American, African American and Latino voters, along with other marginalized communities. The ACLU, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and more have filed lawsuits against this commission. The commission next plans to hold a meeting on July 19, which will be available for livestream only.


NCAPA Signs onto The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Letter to State Secretaries to Protect Sensitive Voter Information

Last week, NCAPA and members Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates signed onto a letter addressed to the US Secretaries of State to oppose President Trump’s advisory commission’s data request for sensitive information about voters. The letter additionally calls for Secretaries of States and election administrators to ensure and protect voter access to polls.


JACL Holds 48th Annual Convention

JACL held their 48th annual convention in D.C. over the weekend. Highlights included an opening reception with an exclusive viewing at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, "Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II” and sessions focusing on key civil rights issues facing the country. JACL also announced their new executive director, David Inoue. Learn more about him here.

NCAPA policy director, Nisha Ramachandran (second from the right), speaks on “The State of AAPI Civil Rights” panel at the 2017 JACL convention.

(Source: Amy Watanabe, Facebook)

Congressional Gold Medal presentation to Filipino World War II Veterans planned for October

Last year, NCAPA supported the Filipino Veterans Recognition and Education Project (FilVetREP) in their efforts to pass the Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015. Now, plans are underway to formally award the medal on behalf of the 260,000 Filipino and Filipino American veterans who served in World War II. Learn more about the efforts to recognize the veterans for their courage and sacrifice.


Asian Americans Advancing Justice Opposes Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division Nominee

Advancing Justice opposes the nomination of Eric Dreiband to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, which enforces key federal laws protecting voting rights, housing rights, and education access, and sets critical national guidelines around police reform and hate crimes.





NCAPA in the News


Center for Asian American Media Executive Director Stephen Gong responded to issues of media diversity related to the departure of Hawaii 5-0’s Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park due an unequal pay dispute. (Dennis Romero, LA Weekly)






Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of July is dedicated to raising awareness about minority mental health issues. Share these resources recommended by NCAPA member the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA).


(Source: National Alliance on Mental illness)


Why Are People Still Asking, “Who is Vincent Chin” 35 Years Later?

Read NCAPA intern Quyen Hoang’s blog reflection on Vincent Chin, why many do not know his story and how the U.S. education system can do better to make room for diverse narratives.




Protect Affordable Health Care Now!

Though Senate Republicans delayed the ACA repeal vote, we must keep up the pressure to oppose this bill. Call your Senators at 1-888-200-5389 every day until a vote happens.


Download the Immigrant Know Your Rights Smartphone App
NCAPA member, the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), has designed and translated a smartphone app for immigrants and community members who are in crisis or have been approached by police or ICE. The multilingual app currently supports Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and English.  Click here to download this helpful app!


Sign Petition for Citizenship for All Adoptees

Learn about the adoptee crisis from NAKASEC and sign the petition to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act


Track hate incidents and view their databases

South Asian Americans Leading Together | Asian Americans Advancing Justice | OCA National | Southern Poverty Law Center | Muslim Advocates





Oregon is Now the Only State to Have Required Ethnic Studies Curriculum for K-12 Students (Sophia June, Williamette Week)


Mom Forced To Hold Toddler During Flight After United Sold His Seat (Carla Herreria, Huffington Post)


Judge Denies Hawaii’s Motion on ‘Travel Ban,’ Says Supreme Court Right Venue (Phil Helsel, NBC News)


In Hollywood, Asian American actors see few lead roles, and pay discrepancies when they land one (Meg James and David Ng, LA Times)





APIASF Communications Assistant

SEARAC Operations Manager

Opportunities at Advancing Justice | AAJC

Opportunities at NAPAWF

NaFFAA EPYC Ambassadors Program (Deadline: July 16)

2017-2018 APAICS Congressional Fellow. Please submit resume and cover letter to [email protected].

White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Fall internship program. (Deadline: July 15)

JACL Mike M. Masaoka Congressional Fellowship

Become an APIAVote Volunteer


Call for Nominations NAPABA Board of Governors Officer Positions


More (including Hill) opportunities






Thursday, July 13 @ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.: CAPAL Resume Writing and Interview Workshop. Americorps D.C.


Thursday, July 13 - Sunday, July 16: 14th Annual SABA North America Convention. D.C.


Thursday, July 20: ILF Emerging Leaders Policy Forum & Federal Career Fair. Capital Hilton. D.C.


Thursday, July 20: LEAP'S 35th Anniversary Celebration. Japanese American Cultural & Community Center. Los Angeles.


Friday, July 21 at 11:00 a.m. - 2:00p.m.: CAPAL Annual AANHPI Career Fair. Dept. of the Interior.

Tuesday, July 25 @ 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.: Active Bystander Intervention Training. Silver Spring Civic Building.


Thursday, Aug. 3 - Sunday, Aug. 6: 2017 OCA National Convention. Sacramento, CA.


Wednesday, Aug. 16 - Sunday, Aug 20: 2017 APALA Convention. Orange County, CA.

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