NCAPA National Director Responds to U.S. Department of Justice Statement of Interest in Harvard Affirmative Action Case


NCAPA National Director Responds to U.S. Department of Justice Statement of Interest in Harvard Affirmative Action Case 

Washington, DC—National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA) National Director Gregg Orton issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s decision to file a statement of interest in the Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College case.

“This DOJ’s sudden interest in fighting alleged discrimination against communities of color is remarkable. It almost would be believable too; except…for the minor fact that it has been at the center of the rolling back of civil rights and instilling of fear in minority communities, which has become the hallmark of the Trump Administration. If this DOJ actually cared about protecting AAPIs, where is their investigation into the increase in hate crimes tied to anti-Muslim, pro-Trump rhetoric against South Asians? What about the lives it has upended in wrongfully profiling Chinese-American scientists?

As far as this DOJ’s supposed interest in access to higher education, I suppose we’ll keep waiting to hear their vehement opposition to the numerous actions taken by their colleagues at the Department of Education that have left students less protected and on the hook for more in their student loans as well.

NCAPA and the majority of AAPIs in this country understand the importance of making sure our institutions of higher education become more diverse. Furthermore, we remain committed to ensuring our community is a part of that diversity. Arguing that this DOJ decided to get involved in the Harvard case because it cares about discrimination, carries as much water as all of the other claims with gaping holes in them coming from this Administration.”


Based in Washington, D.C., the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans is a coalition of 34 national Asian Pacific American organizations that serves to represent the interests of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities and to provide a national voice for our communities’ concerns. Our communities are the fastest growing racial/ethnic group in the United States, currently making up approximately six percent of the population.

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